• Clive Historical Society, Clive Iowa

Welcome to Clive Historical Society Campus!

Explore Clive's authentic caboose, Train Depot and Swanson General Store! Bring a picnic basket or shop at the many stores conveniently located on 86th Street. Several picnic tables are available in the shade of a walnut tree, along with free WiFi. Treat yourself to a coffee break or a mid-day work escape!

Les Aasheim Memorial Fund

Please contribute toward a lasting memorial to honor Les Aasheim.

Letters from Clive Residents

Esther Hastings, 6th Grade, 1958

Esther Hastings
6th Grade – 1958


We’re pleased to share 11 stories written by Esther Hastings Miller as she captures her precious memories growing up in Clive, Iowa, during the late 1950s and early 1960s. Join Esther on a trip down memory lane as she relives part of her childhood in a house located on Swanson Boulevard in Clive.

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